Website Evaluation
Welcome Friends! We are going to do our first project on internet safety and research! As we learn how to explore different websites, we will see what a 'good' website looks like (especially for our upcoming research project on animals)!
This week, we will be getting into our color groups. Each person will have a different role in the group to help figure out how to be internet experts! After our individual (alone) work time, you will come together and create a poster on your findings.
Material Manager- in charge of getting items and worksheets out and putting them away when done.
Detective- in charge of the computer and websites being used.
Helper- in charge of encouraging the group and giving advice or instructions when needed to the group.
Recorder- in charge of writing the important facts and information on the worksheet.
Monday: Research what internet safety is and three (3) tips for children to stay safe online. Write these on the worksheet given to you at the beginning of class.
Tuesday: Research what a safe and good website looks like. Find five (5) examples of good websites (tip: try to find one good website for information on animals to help with the upcoming project)!
Wednesday: Fill out the "Website Quick Check" worksheet for the websites you found yesterday.
Thursday: Go back and edit anything that needs to be fixed. Put your top internet safety tip on a poster and a website example as well. Decorate and have fun!
Friday: tie up loose ends and finish your poster!
Game (if you finish early)!
Rubric Scale: 0-5
0 is missing
1 is lacking
2 is developing
3 is acceptable
4 is proficient
5 is exceptional
Time management
Congrats! You are now all internet rockstars. You've learned what a good website is and how to stay safe on the internet. As you continue to explore online, remember the tips you have learned and share them with your friends :)